Requirements Engineering

Simply the Most Powerful Requirements Management Software.
Solution Features Requirements Engineering

Requirements Engineering Lifecycle

The Requirements Engineering lifecycle includes the following steps, all automatically enacted by the ProcessGene BPM software Suite:

Requirements Engineering step Requirements Engineering activity
Project scope definition
  1. Define top level requirement topics
  2. Attach related documents, policies, standards, and other related artifacts
  3. Define requirement approvers and workflow
Requirement definition
  1. Define a new requirement
  2. Define related documents, flowcharts, and involved stakeholders
  3. Define related IT systems
  4. Link to related IT systems (optional)
Requirement handling
  1. Notify on requirement
  2. Approve/Reject requirement
  3. Define requirement fulfillment schedule and owners
  4. Monitor requirement handling workflow
  5. Update status of requirements
Requirement fulfillment audit and acceptance
  1. Define an audit plan
  2. Schedule audit and assign auditors
  3. Report on audit results
  4. Manage remediation activities
  5. Manage requirement fulfillment acceptance and requirement closure
Monitor requirement fulfillment
  1. Track requirement status using dedicated dashboards
  2. Alert and communicate with requirement stakeholders through a dedicated control panel
Requirement management in a Multi-Org environment
  1. Determine a global business process baseline with mandatory components
  2. Establish a workflow for examining local (subsidiary) variants
  3. Enforce enterprise guidelines, regulations and frameworks within subsidiaries
  4. Compare and control process models both locally (per subsidiary) and globally from a central HQ cockpit

The ProcessGene Requirements Management Software Users

The ProcessGene Requirements Management software solution provides value to the following users:
  1. C-level management (CEO, CFO, CIO, CRO, COO)
  2. Board of directors
  3. Business Process analysts
  4. IT analysts and implementers
  5. Compliance officers