I-SOX Compliance Lifecycle
The I-SOX compliance lifecycle includes the following steps, all automatically enacted by the ProcessGene™ GRC Software Suite:
Lifecycle step |
I-SOX activity |
I-SOX context establishment |
- Definition of I-SOX compliance related business processes
- Delineation of process diagrams (optional)
- Definition of assets within the I-SOX scope
- Standardization and documentation of I-SOX regulations, policies and procedures
Risk identification |
- Risk description, identification of risk stakeholders
- Risk classification and determination of heat-maps
- Risk assessment and measurement
- Determination of Key Risk Indicators (KRIs)
- Risk tolerance determination
Control determination |
- Definition of controls to mitigate identified I-SOX risks
- Assignment of I-SOX control owners
- Scheduling and monitoring I-SOX control execution
- Assessment of residual risk levels
I-SOX audit and remediation |
- Definition and scheduling of I-SOX audit plans
- Definition of mechanisms for testing ongoing I-SOX compliance
- Collection, analysis and storage of I-SOX audit results
- Remediation plan definition, execution and follow-up
I-SOX related incident management |
- Incident recording
- I-SOX related incident handling (using scheduled workflows)
- I-SOX related incident analysis and reporting
- Incident monitoring and follow-up
I-SOX certification |
- Hierarchal I-SOX certification process determination
- Establishment of an automated I-SOX certification process
- Monitoring and reporting I-SOX certification status
- Archiving I-SOX certification history
Multi-Org management |
- Determination of a global I-SOX compliance baseline with mandatory components
- Establishing a workflow for examining local (subsidiary) variants
- Enforcement of enterprise guidelines, regulations and frameworks within subsidiaries
- Control I-SOX compliance level both locally (per subsidiary) and globally from a central HQ cockpit
The ProcessGene™ I-SOX Software UsersThe ProcessGene™ I-SOX compliance software provides value to the following users:
- C-level management (CEO, CFO, CIO, CRO, COO)
- Board of directors
- Compliance officers
- Internal auditors
- I-SOX compliance managers
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