Internal Audit Report

Simply the Most Powerful Internal Audit Software.
Solution Features Internal Audit Procedure

Features: Internal Audit Report Software

  • Definition and management of risks, controls, audit plans, audit results, remediation plans, related events, documents, policies, procedures, regulations, automated certification tasks, requirements, Internal Audit reports, and process flowcharts
  • Track and diagnose progress of the internal audit program using dedicated dashboards
  • Generation of Internal Audit reports for boards of directors, auditors, and regulators
  • Specialized functionality & repositories for specific audit frameworks
  • Assessment of compliance and control effectiveness using scheduled audits
  • Schedule and monitor tasks of involved parties
  • A powerful searching and reporting module, supporting multiple Internal Audit report formats
  • Email based notifications and alerts
  • Simple, web-based capability for distributing tasks to organizational workers for reviewing and approving their awareness and compliance to regulations and policies
  • Complex workflow support
  • A user-friendly Wizard assists in completing audits according to their plan, and generating an Internal Audit report
  • Signatures and declarations water-fall mechanism
  • Initiate, respond to, and track issues and incidents
  • Assessment can be automated by configuring audits that analyze application data for completeness, accuracy, validity, authorization and access rules (for example, segregation of duties for SOX compliance)
  • Define and maintain a catalog of business and IT risks and controls
  • Direct connectivity to ERP systems (e.g. SAP / Oracle) and ability to extract and process data in real time, and run automated tests
  • Customizable application fields, including customized presentation within the internal audit report
  • An activity log – to track changes in the model

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